Author: Ozlem
Bak, MBA, MA.
School of
Management, University of East Anglia
Enhancing the manual data analysis: A critical validation
paper represents a qualitative study where the data
analysis divided into two stages; Phase A and Phase B. The
data analysis of Phase A, was analysed manually using the
grounded theory. The set of data incorporated in-depth
interviews; participant observation and documentation.
There are three reasons related to the adoption of grounded
theory in this study. First, grounded theory was useful
here because it allows a focus on contextual and processual
elements as well as the action/interaction of players
associated with the research subject. Second, the iterative
nature of the methodology requires a steady move between
the data and the concept allowing to themes emerges
requiring a constant comparison. Allowing Phase A data
analysis to propose an initial formulation of the key
categories and interactions. The categories and
interactions presented in Phase A was also reflected
further in Phase B data analysis that incorporated the same
set of data and analysis of data. The two distinctive
methods has been used a source and a tool for validation.
Despite same emerging categorisation some enhancements on
findings have been noticed.
the structure of this paper will be elaborated on these
grounds into four main sections. The first section
identifies the linkage between grounded theory method and
its application in this study, followed by the ways of data
analysis whether manually versus software (N6), and if yes,
what are the patterns.
Author: Pat
Research Support P/L, Australia
TITLE: Quantifying qualitative data: the construction and
interpretation of codes
Coding, as a way of identifying
content or meaning or other features in data, is an
essential component in almost any system for analysis of
data. Coding serves as a tool for data management and/or
data reduction, a way of locating and grouping or
retrieving all responses or material on a topic (whether
that be descriptive or interpretive). It also marks the
beginning of an analysis process as categories are
determined and decisions are made about what to code
(particularly with unstructured non-numeric data).Yet
codes—the way they are generated, what they stand for
and the way they are used—lie at the heart of
differences between text and numeric data and tools for
analysis of that data .
available QDA computer software makes transfer of data from
one form to another and hence integration of text and
numeric data for combined analysis relatively simple.
Transfer of categorised or numeric information from a
statistical dataset into a qualitative analysis (where it
might be used to compare subgroups within the sample or to
make sense of scores on an instrument, for example)
generally raises few concerns. But when data is converted
from textual form to numeric form, differences in the
process of coding and in how codes are used to represent
the material being coded become critical issues for
interpretation in subsequent (statistical) analyses.
Questions to consider include evaluation of the numeric
properties of the converted codes, implications of the
directionality and specificity of codes and of absent or
‘deviant’ codes, and potential loss of data
where qualitative interpretation relied on the intersection
of multiple codes. Choices about the segmentation of data,
and ways of dealing with overlaps and repetitions will all
have bearing on the handling and interpretation of
quantified qualitative data.
considerations, along with sampling issues, will impact on
choice of statistical techniques and on the ability to
interpret results from the statistics. The potential,
however, is for deriving a whole new dimension of
understanding from the statistical analysis, further
enriched by the ready availability of the source (text)
Author: Dr.
Kristina Bennert
Coram Research Unit, University of London
TITLE: Using
NVivo for data processing and preliminary analysis in
discourse analytic research
analysis - used here as an umbrella term for approaches
working with detailed transcripts of spoken language data -
is concerned with the fine-grained turn by turn analysis of
verbal interaction. As such, it tends to focus attention on
relatively short data extracts, taken from longer stretches
of talk such as interviews, focus groups or naturally
occurring conversations. Researchers often build rather
large corpora of recordings and/or transcripts of the type
of interaction they are interested in, and then chose a
handful of small data chunks for detailed analysis.
Extracts might be chosen on the grounds of their typicality
or atypicality within the larger corpus. However, the exact
process by which extracts are selected often remains
unaccounted for, and large parts of the gathered material
might be discarded or put to the side at an early stage.
With the possibility to code at the level of single words
or syllables and to edit text which has already been coded,
NVivo has a flexibility and capacity for fine-grained
textual analysis that was absent from previous software
packages and that make it of interest to discourse-analytic
research, though to date, not many discourse analysts seem
to have tapped into its potential as yet.
This presentation will use data from a project examining
communicative frames in genetic counselling to illustrate
how NVivo can fruitfully support data processing and
preliminary analysis in discourse analytic research. More
specifically, I will demonstrate how NVivo can be used:
• To organise and manage
multi-page transcripts
As a tool for
preliminary analysis through coding, mapping and
indeitification of recurrent patterns
• As a means to contextualise
specific data extracts within their interactional and
thematic landscape
To make the whole
of a data corpus accountable and guide the systematic
selection of illustrative extracts
presentation will conclude by drawing attention to a few
shortcomings of NVivo for discourse-analytic purposes and
formulating a wish list for future versions of the
Author: Pat
Southampton University
TITLE: Using
N6 to analyse inteview data from carers of people with
dementia-preliminary analysis
Introduction: This paper makes an attempt how
N6 has been used to assist the process of data collection
and analysis in a research study. Occupational therapists
increasingly ask carers to become involved in activity
programmes which engage their family member with dementia
within the homes. The few studies carried out in this area
have focused on institutional settings. It is crucial for
healthcare professionals to listen to the views of carers
of people with dementia. The present study aims to explore
this issue by asking the carers how they view activity
within the cared-for individuals and their home lives. This
is key if professionals are to work in partnership with
carers for people with dementia and really address what
matters to them.
Method: This
was the final stage of an in-depth interview study of up to
30 co-resident carers of people who are formally diagnosed
with dementias, and supported by a local Community Mental
Health Teams for Older People. Participants were invited to
take part in audiotaped interviews and discuss a) how they
involved the cared-for person in activity which was
considered beneficial to the person, b) concerns they have,
c) additional support they would value. Interviews were
tape-recorded, transcribed and analyzed using grounded
theory method and N6.
Results: Findings showed how a
combination of the use of N6 and grounded theory has
enabled the researcher to identify the process in which
co-resident carers engaged individuals with dementia in
activities which were of benefit to them, and highlighted
the barriers both human and non-human which they
Conclusions: In order to deliver the most
appropriate care it is important to understand the meaning
of activity for the carer. The strategies used for the
analysis was appropriate. Despite this, some constraints
were identified.
Keith Coupland and Dr. Lynne Johnston
University of Gloucestershire
Title: Using
QSR NVivo in Phenomenological Research: The Experience of
Recovering From Psychosis Through Groupwork
presentation will look at aspects of qualitative research
in the phenomenological tradition using QSR NVivo. QSR
NVivo is used to hold and analyse multi-media data in order
to understand the aspects of recovery of members of a group
who meet to deal with their problems with psychosis,
especially hearing voices (malevolent audio
hallucinations). The nature of psychosis is such that
straightforward transcribed audio interviews alone may not
be sufficient for the participants to be able to articulate
their experience. Therefore, the data is collected in many
forms such as audio and video recorded interviews and
groupwork, minutes of meetings, biographies and creative
illustrations such as poems, pictures and photographs. The
use of multi-media data has implications for true informed
consent, especially in research with persons experiencing
psychosis. This multi-media approach has been as important
for the participants in the research as it has to the
researchers in helping to understand the experience of
psychosis. This study has been conducted over seven years,
building an unusual level of trust and confidence within
the participants. The variety of data allows a greater
level of understanding of the participants' experience of
recovery in the group. However, with each increase in
medium used there seems to be an exponential leap in the
complexity of organising and analysing the data. There is a
lack of clear direction within the research methods
literature regarding the use of NVivo within different
methodological approaches or the use of the package with
multi-level data. This session will explore these
complexities by illustration from the data and the
researchers use of QSR-NVivo.
Judith Davidson, Ph.D.
Graduate School of Education,
University of Massachusetts-Lowell
Grading NVivo: Making the Shift from Training to Teaching
with Software for Qualitative Data Analysis
As the
use of software for qualitative data analysis becomes more
widespread among researchers, it will be increasingly
important to consider how these tools will be integrated
into research preparation programs in higher education.
This shift from training to teaching raises a host of new
problems, not least of which is the need to grade
students’ use of the software. In this paper I will
explore the tensions that emerged as I sought to shift from
trainer to teacher of NVivo in the context of a doctoral
course on qualitative research methods, and the path I
followed as I learned to evaluate student’s use of
NVivo and the products they created from that use. Teaching
with NVivo (as opposed to training) opened my eyes anew to
the complexity of the software, bringing new understanding
of the features and the ways they could be combined; it
reminded me again of how different human beings are in the
ways we each approach a new task; and, it raised productive
dilemmas for me about the relationship of the methodology
to the technology. In this paper, I will compare the ways
seven advanced doctoral students progressed in their
understanding and use of NVivo. I will also share a rubric
that I have begun to develop to capture the range of issues
that one must consider in the grading of qualitative
research processes and products that are embedded in the
use of software like NVivo. Ultimately, I came to feel that
NVivo was an ally in developing a rich assessment of
student learning, helping me to capture student’s
progress over time in the successive iterations of the
project that I received from them.
Judith Davidson, Ph.D.
Graduate School of Education,
University of Massachusetts-Lowell
Lyn Richards, QSR,
software developer; Lynn Johnston, University of
Gloucestershire, UK; Silvana DiGregorio, SDG Associates;
Pat Bazeley, Research Support, Australia
Evaluating the performance of NVivo users: What
demonstrates skill with NVivo...and why is it important to
do so?
the use of qualitative research software enters the
mainstream of methodological practice, no longer is it
enough to simply declare that you use this form of software
as a warrant of trustworthiness. Now, increasingly,
it becomes important to understand the qualities of
performance that users display if one is to understand
whether or not the research is trustworthy. Moreover,
as these tools become a required part of advanced
methodological training, instructors must be able to
describe and discern levels of performance and to guide
students from beginning to advanced performance.
Drawing upon the experience of the software developer and
highly experienced software trainers and teachers.
The aim of this panel is to extract from these experts
their embodied knowledge about NVivo and the qualities of
performance in its use. In this way, we will seek to
uncover information critical to evaluating the performance
of NVivo users. Each panel member will begin with a
brief overview of their thinking on this issue, and then
the facilitator will moderate a discussion that will
include her questions and the audiences. Two
recorders will capture critical notions on user performance
as the discussion unfolds.
Authors: Jacques de Wet & Dr. Zimitri Erasmus
Department of Sociology,
University of Cape Town, South Africa
Towards Rigorous Practice in Qualitative Research
Qualitative research, in
particular data analysis, is too often seen as ad hoc,
intuitive, unsystematic and thus without academic rigour.
We challenge this view. The central purpose of this paper
is to illustrate that qualitative data analysis
be systematic,
procedural and rigorous.
In this
paper we provide an overview of analytical procedures we
followed during a study about students' experiences and
perceptions of 'race' and racism at a Medical School in
South Africa. We outline our implementation of these
procedures and reflect on their value in optimising our
research outcome. We track steps in our analysis by working
backwards from one cluster of key findings in the study
concerned in order to demonstrate the ways in which we came
to these particular findings. Where appropriate, we note
the ways in which Computer Assisted Qualitative Data
Analysis Software (CAQDAS), specifically the qualitative
software package QSR
contributed to systematic and rigorous practice at critical
points in the analysis. When we outline and reflect on our
analysis, we draw on Miles and Huberman's (1994) and
Wengraf's (2001) approaches to qualitative data analysis
and on Morse et
al.'s (2002) understanding of rigour.
We conclude
that our use of QSR
Nvivo facilitated systematic
organisation and procedural analysis of our data.
Nvivo provides a system of electronic
tools for organising, retrieving and verifying data thus
enabling one to work with data more efficiently. It does
not do the analysis, nor does it think for one.
Well-organised data enables researchers to implement
procedures more effectively, which in turn contributes to
rigorous analysis.
we conclude that while it may be true that some of the
accusations that qualitative research is sloppy and
unscientific are unjustified, our experience is that
qualitative researchers do not instill confidence in their
research by continuing to produce research reports where
their methods of analysis are not well formulated. The
challenge is to identify methodological and analytical
benchmarks for qualitative research. This paper
demonstrates our latest attempt at “working at
sensible canons for qualitative data analysis” (Miles
and Huberman, 1994:2).
Claire Fox & Nathan Hughes
Institute of Applied Social
Studies, University of Birmingham
Title: The
Challenges of a Complex National Evaluation
Children's Fund was set up by the Children and Young
People's Unit as a complex intervention aimed to tackle
social exclusion. At the heart of this intervention was the
development of innovative models of collaboration in the
design, implementation and evaluation of preventive
services for children and young people aged 5-13, and their
families. The Children and Young People's Unit has
commissioned the National Evaluation of the
Children's Fund (NECF) with the aim of exploring what works
in prevention and why.
programme of research is being undertaken by researchers at
The University of Birmingham, in partnership with
researchers at the Institute of Education. In 2004 and 2005
the Birmingham team is undertaking detailed case-study work
in eighteen programmes through three six-month blocks of
activity. The case studies aim to achieve enhanced
understandings of how interagency partnerships work in
participative ways for prevention. This paper details the
work of the Birmingham team’s in-depth qualitative
analyses of structures and processes, following the
completion of the first wave of case study work, exploring
how the functions of NVivo allowed us to tackle the
numerous problems of a large scale evaluation
are using Activity Theory (Engeström, 1987; 1999a;
Leont’ev, 1978) as the framework for our analysis of
the case studies. Activity Theory enables us to understand
systems and the processes that lead to outcomes. It
requires a very structured analysis, highlighting key
elements of the activity system within a strict
categorisation, with little opportunity for flexibility.
NVivo was utilised to allow for a consistent analytical
approach within a large multidisciplinary team and across
multiple case study sites. A key element of the theory is
the highlighting of contradictions and tensions within a
system. NVivo provides the opportunity to do this both
within and across interviews. It also enables us to examine
whether there are multiple understandings of the
‘object’ of activity. Furthermore, through
Merge for NVivo we have been able to trace the development
of key issues across case studies to maximise our
understanding of ‘what works’ and why.
Amândio Graça
University of
Porto;ISMAI;Technical University of Lisbon
TITLE: Using
NVivo 2 to analyse physical education cooperating
teachers’ educational perspectives
study focused on physical education cooperating
teachers’ conceptual orientations in relation to
teacher education by looking into their knowledge,
experience, and purposes for action; and also their
perceptions about the student teachers' fears and needs, or
about the kind of relationships they establish with them.
theoretical framework of the study was based on the
Grossman's (1990) model of professional knowledge for
teaching, and on Feiman-Nemser's (1990) conceptual
orientations in teacher preparation.
Fifteen physical education
cooperating teachers from 7-12th grade schools in the
District of Porto (Portugal) participated in the study.
Cooperating teachers were purposefully selected according
to teaching and cooperating teaching experience. Three even
groups were constituted. Data collection was made by means
of open-ended semi-structured interviews. The interviews
were recorded, transcribed and introduced into the
qualitative data analysis NVivo2 software, which assisted
the coding and drawing conclusions processes. Data analysis
began by coding the material of interviews according to a
coding frame depicted from the theoretical framework, which
included 5 major themes: teacher education goals; teacher
role; teaching and learning; knowledge for teaching; and
learning to learn: Themes are not sought to be mutually
exclusive, as if they intend to reveal specific components
of personal conceptual orientations, they also have to
acknowledge their own interaction and interdependence.
Similar and contrasting perspectives among cooperating
teachers' conceptions were systematically searched within
each particular node. Exhibits in tables were generated
from the condensation of raw material collected by means of
matrix (mainly Boolean searches: attributes x nodes
intersection). NVivo2, while confined to basic operations,
proved to be a very handy and helpful resource.
Author: Graham R Gibbs
University of Huddersfield
Narrative analysis and NVivo
undertaking narrative analysis can see little use for
CAQDAS. I will suggest ways in which coding and searching
in NVivo are useful in supporting a narrative analysis.
distinguish those aspects of qualitative data analysis that
are concerned with the careful organisation and management
of research and those that are concerned with
interpretation. The organisation and management of research
is an important aspect of analysis which contributes to the
quality of analytic work. Moreover, whilst interpretation
is the preserve of the human analyst, other aspects of
analysis can be enhanced by the use of NVivo.
examine the use of the text search facility in NVivo both
to get to know the data and to find particular language
use, such as metaphors, accounts and narrative moves. There
are some strategies that can be used to improve the
searching and to record what has been searched for. I will
also consider the use of coding in narrative analysis, and
explain how this coding can be used to promote the reading
of transcripts when developing an analysis. Such coding is
not done primarily to support comparisons or matrix
searches, but to underpin the analysis of the narratives in
the text. This will be illustrated from a project examining
student motivations for study.
Graham R Gibbs & Celia Taylor (University of
Huddersfield), Ann Lewins
& Nigel Fielding (University of
TITLE: User needs in learning to use NVivo and N6
paper will report the early results from an ongoing ESRC
project aimed at proving Online Support for researchers
learning QDA and CAQDAS such as NVivo and N6. The project
is surveying current CAQDAS users to assess their learning
needs. On the basis of this it will create and evaluate
online training materials for qualitative researchers. The
materials will be integrated with other aspects of the
CAQDAS Networking Project.
survey will identify the types of researchers using QDA and
CAQDAS. There are several key groups here: Postgraduates
and other researchers familiar with qualitative data
analysis, but new to CAQDAS, researchers familiar with
research methods but new to both QDA and CAQDAS and
researchers from outside the social sciences who are also
often new to both QDA and CAQDAS.
The paper will report on the kinds of training support
these new users need and suggest some of the ways that
online training can meet these needs.
Authors: Dr.
Linda Gilbert & Dr. Silvana di Gregorio
Title: Team research with QDA software: Promises and
The purpose
of this paper is to explore actual and potential influences
of QDA software on qualitative research performed in teams.
We will draw on literature on teamwork and on observations
of QSR software in use with teams, in order to offer useful
strategies for members of qualitative research teams.
In the last decade, qualitative research
conducted in teams has attracted increased attention: there
has been a spate of recent case studies, including a
complete issue of Qualitative Health devoted to team
research (Barry, Britten, Barber, Bradley, & Stevenson,
1999; Erickson & Stull, 1998; Martinez-Salgado, 1999;
Richards, 1999). Most of these case studies offer lessons
learned, advice, and warnings based on their authors' own
experiences. Many bemoan the paucity of previous
literature, particularly in methods texts.
However, very little has been published
reflecting on the impact of qualitative data analysis
programs on teamwork. Reports from team members using QDA
either tend to focus exclusively on the technology or to
virtually ignore it. There are exceptions, most notably Lyn
Richard's reflection on a 3-year project using an early
variant of the software she co-developed with her husband
(Richards, 1995). Similarly, Sprokkereef and her co-authors
(1995) observed that the use of QDA software affected their
team interactions, since not all the team members used or
valued the software. A few more recent works suggest ways
to use software with a team, though most of these are
highly targeted to address specific needs (di Gregorio,
2000a; MacQueen, McLellan, Kay, & Milstein, 1998;
Northey Jr., 1997)
With the exception of
developers and a few reflective users, the overall level of
awareness about the intersection between technology and
teamwork seems low among qualitative researchers. This
paper seeks to fill that gap with practical advice.
Author: Lynne
University of Gloucestershire.
Technical and methodological learning curves: Reflections
on the use of QSR NVivo in Doctoral Research.
presentation draws on a range of experiences developed over
the last 10 years starting with my own doctoral thesis
using NUD*IST version 3, to my observations as a software
trainer and consultant, through to my more recent
experiences as a doctoral supervisor and examiner. Despite
the introduction of the Economic and Social Research
Council (ESRC) research training guidelines for
postgraduate students in 2001, many of the original
problems that I encountered as a student remain. This
emanates from the existing separation of methods training
from qualitative data analysis (QDA) software training and
the dearth of existing methodological papers on the impact
of integrating training (Jackson, 2003). The lack of clear
training guidelines for doctoral supervisors and examiners
exacerbates the situation. The well-documented problems
associated with getting too
close to data (di Gregorio, 2003;
Gilbert, 1999; 2003; Richards, 2002) are commonly
experienced within doctoral research in the UK. However, I
would suggest that there are several reasons for this.
First, QDA software programmes have arguably increased the
popularity of qualitative research and researchers are
starting to explore innovating ways of using the software
(e.g. Bazeley, 2003). Second, the transparency that QDA
software programmes permit may merely highlight a problem
that has always existed. The problem for current doctoral
students is that their examiners and supervisors can have
unparalleled access to the analysis processes. This has
resulted in a much higher level of transparency in terms
of research
processes (Bringer, Johnston &
Brackenridge, 2004). Finally, the free tutorials, which are
distributed with the software, have influenced the way in
which doctoral students who are self
taught have used the software. The
misuse of these tutorials can lead directly to a
and retrieve cycle.
Authors: Dr. Dan Kaczynski (University West Florida)
and Dr. Ed
Miller (Research and Evaluation
TITLE: Evaluation Team Design Considerations Using NVivo
session will consider the unique issues of designing a
multi-site qualitative evaluation study by teams of
evaluators. Two-member evaluation teams are using NVivo to
manage and analyze qualitative data from nine different
communities throughout the United States. Research and
Evaluation Associates (REA), a Research Triangle applied
research firm, is conducting a longitudinal process
evaluation of the Youth Offender Demonstration Project
(YODP), a national initiative funded by the U.S. Department
of Labor. Communities are visited twice over a one-year
period. Each team spends 7-10 days on site for each visit
observing organizational aspects as well as how youth
connect with the project and employers. Results of the
first round of visits were used to further modify the
evaluation design for the second round of extended visits.
methodology will be presented covering team member
selection criteria, training, structured code tree
protocols, free node guidelines, and code book modification
guidelines. Particular attention will be given to flexible
emergent design considerations that occurred from the
initial conceptualization, implementation and mid point of
the study. The initial design involved team members
preparing narratives and reflective memorandums at the end
of each day’s observations and interviews. When the
researchers left the field, they began, in consultation
with the REA office staff, final coding of text data, and
organizing the data into more precise conceptual categories
to support their analysis. To strengthen investigator
triangulation, inter-coder reliability verification was
enhanced through a two-stage review process. Team members
submitted their coded NVivo project to the REA staff who
then conducted a second coding of the project. The NVivo
project was then reviewed by REA project administrators. To
further enhance dependability and confirmability, an
analysis oversight committee was included in the design.
The committee holds quarterly meetings to review team
feedback, data analysis procedures, coding discrepancies
and approve modifications to the emergent design.
Authors: Dan
Kaczynski (University West
Florida), Kristi
Jackson (QuERI), Lyn
Richards (QSR)
Examining the Relationship of QDAS with Theory and Practice
Qualitative researchers are
progressively expanding the adoption of qualitative data
analysis software (QDAS), as a tool, in the interpretation
and analysis stages. This growing application of QDAS has
been cited as a major contribution to the rigor and
credibility of qualitative research. But there has been
little systematic discussion of the different relationships
QDAS has with various theoretical orientations. Moreover,
software use has also raised concerns that the tools
increasingly drive methodological training and practices.
instructional delivery requires well designed lessons with
clearly specified learning outcomes. Teachers and trainers
of QDAS are challenged by the demands of designing lessons
that integrate the technical skills of the software with
qualitative field research that is already underway.
Although trainees who are actively engaged in studies can
immediately apply new skills, the demands on research
design methodology are unfortunately stressful for the
researcher. Often, if the software technical commands
become burdensome then mastery of the software is delayed
or abandoned. For the researcher, meeting a report or
dissertation deadline has a higher priority than mastery of
the software tool. Teachers and trainers must design
lessons, therefore, that are immediately relevant to a
researchers work and where the QDAS is a transparent tool.
session will explore three theoretical orientations; social
program evaluation, grounded theory, and applied
ethnography. Each theory will be examined from a learning
outcomes perspective. Session attendees will have the
opportunity to participate in and critique a series of
simulation exercises designed to help the researcher
integrate NVivo and qualitative research training.
Well designed lessons can not only build competence in the
use of QDAS but can help the researcher develop
theoretically sound techniques for data construction,
illuminating richer meanings from documents, refining
interview techniques, in addition to category construction,
coding, interpretation, and analysis.
Jennifer Mason
Social Sciences Institute, University of Leeds
TITLE: Ways, means and motives: a personal journey through
20 years of computer assisted qualitative data analysis
paper will chart the personal history of the author’s
involvement in computer assisted qualitative data analysis,
from the early ‘cut and paste’ days, through to
the use of CAQDAS in large multi-disciplinary projects.
Throughout the different projects that she has been
involved in, a consistent theme has been that CAQDAS has
been seen as a tool that can potentially assist in the
management of large amounts of qualitative data, rather
than a source of fascination in itself. The author would
like to think she has retained a healthy cynicism about the
limitations of CAQDAS, as well as an appreciation of its
value. A concern with ways and means and motives –
what can CAQDAS do for us and why should we want it to? -
characterises the author’s engagement with CAQDAS
over the years.
much has changed over time. The personal journey will
follow several timelines, each of which is directly
relevant to how we view and use CAQDAS in qualitative and
mixed method work in shifting contexts over time. These
timelines include:
the changing state
and availability of hardware and
• movements through different
kinds of working (eg individual and team working), and the
changing nature of people’s relationship to the
research process over time
the changing nature
of research teams and collaborations, in particular the
moves towards bigger interdisciplinary teams doing
qualitative or mixed method work
the increasing
interest in a wider range of qualitative materials
(especially non-text based)
changing fashions
and emphases in social theory and
The paper
will argue that the point of a personal history such as
this is not so much to explain ‘how we got
here’, nor for the story-teller to be self indulgent,
as to illustrate how CAQDAS usage is both shaped by and
shapes the changing nature of research endeavours over time
(and over lifetimes). We need to retain an active
engagement always with how things could be other than they
are if we are to get the best out of CAQDAS, as well as to
ensure that qualitative and mixed method research are
intellectually driven.
Authors: Kim
Nichols Dauner, MPH: Sara J. Corwin, MPH, PhD; Willie H.
Oglesby, MSPH, PhD; Kara Montgomery, DrPH; Donna L.
Richter, EdD, FAAHB
School of Public Health, University of South Carolina
Using NVivo
for a Qualitative Evaluation of an After-School Program
Measuring the outcomes
resulting from after-school programs is a challenge. Test
scores and grades only reflect academic changes and do not
fully describe youth development outcomes. Furthermore, it
is often difficult to attribute academic changes to an
after-school program. Because of these concerns, and the
fact that this program was only in its first year of
development and implementation, qualitative data was used.
It allowed the evaluators to describe more subtle changes
in youth development resulting from the middle-school
after-school program and engage all of the programs’
stakeholders in the evaluation. Interviews were conducted
with key school and school district personnel responsible
for the oversight and day-to-day implementation of the
program, community partners who provided cultural
enrichment activities, and the program’s Community
Advisory Board made up of area leaders. In addition, direct
observations were made of the program. Nvivo was used to
analyze both the interviews and the observational field
notes, with each document representing one interview or one
observation. Document attributes were assigned by importing
an MS Word table of interviewee/observation characteristics
of interest. The search tool and document sets were used to
validate interviewee responses, and to corroborate
interviewee responses with the observations. Intersection
matrixes also were used extensively to determine whether
different stakeholder groups had different perspectives on
program outcomes and to make stakeholder-specific
recommendations for program improvement.
Pernilla Pergert and Solvig Ekblad
Karolinska Institutet, Sweden
grounded theory study using Nvivo in the analysis and in
method learning
Focus group interviews regarding staff experiences from the
care of families with immigrant background in child cancer
aim of this study is to explore the situation of immigrated
families within child cancer care in Sweden. To get
different perspectives on the subject, a variety of sources
and methods for data collection (triangulation) are used,
such as: review of the current, relevant literature,
document analysis, semi structured individual interviews
with parents, and focus group interviews with healthcare
staff. Five focus group interviews have been conducted with
staff within child cancer care. Purposive and convenience
sampling has been utilized and resulted in a sample of
people who were knowledgeable about the phenomena under
study. The data from the focus group interviews have been
analysed using the computer program NVivo and the
methodology of grounded theory. This is a complicated
methodology which the researcher is learning by supervision
and guidance from an experienced supervisor and a research
group, but also by creating a model in NVivo. This model
helps the researcher to, in a structural way, understand
the different steps of this method and the relationship
between them. The research group has also been utilized in
the analysis of the data and to learn from each other how
to best use the data program. The basic social problem from
the perspectives of the healthcare staff is the development
of a caring relationship with patients and their families
with immigrant background in childhood cancer care in
Sweden. This phenomena is being further studied, however,
an opportunity to share the methodological experience with
participants on the conference would be very useful during
the present analysis of the material.
Alina Reznitskaya (Montclair State
University) and Richard
C. Anderson (University of Illinois at
TITLE: Quantifying Qualitative Data: Using NVIVO to Analyze
Argumentative Discourse
academic study of argument is currently experiencing a
renewed interest from educational researchers concerned
with student development of reasoning . In this
presentation, I will describe the use of NVIVO to devise
analytic frameworks that help to capture and represent
important features of argumentative discourse. I will
discuss the application of NVIVO to three separate analyses
of student argumentation . The data generated in these
studies came from 1) oral discussions of controversial
issues, 2) written persuasive compositions, and 3) written
recalls of an argumentative text.
colleagues and I applied Toulmin’s model of argument
to assess the quality of student reasoning. NVIVO made it
possible to code student productions into relevant
categories (e.g., reason, counterargument, rebuttal) and to
apply NVIVO search tools to create summaries of student
codified contributions. Subsequently, the generated
quantitative data was analyzed using statistical software
packages, such as Excell and SPSS. Multiple analyses
(MANOVA, Poisson regression) were performed.
colleagues and I see quantitative methodology as a
complimentary, rather than a rival, approach to analyzing
oral and written discourse. It allows us to achieve the
level of precision unattainable with verbal descriptions
alone and to apply powerful statistical methods. Using
quantitative methods with our data helps us to produce a
different kind of knowledge and to expand our understanding
of student development of argumentation and reasoning.
NVIVO is an invaluable tool in this endeavour
Founder and Chief Scientist,
QSR International,
TITLE: Unleash the power within!
Node Hierarchies are really all about, why they are the
heart of powerful research techniques, and where they can
take us next.
is a central activity in most forms of qualitative research
(QR). Earlier technologies (pen, paper, copiers, filing
cabinets) required a certain style of coding in order to
work reasonably efficiently given their limitations and
inflexibility. Researchers have often carried that style of
coding over into their computer-based QR projects.
But it is
inappropriate. Indeed it can easily be downright
dysfunctional, at least in the current generation of QR
software. This paper will show how appropriate methods of
computer-based coding derive from an understanding of the
other tools QR software (well, N6 and NVivo) provide. I
will argue that the researcher’s very choice of
coding categories, and their cataloguing in tree
hierarchies, is deeply affected by many of the
analysis-oriented tools and functions in the software. You
can’t just code away then hope the software will do
something useful with it.
Consequently, getting the
coding methodology right is crucial for carrying out the
types of powerful research, going way beyond manual
technologies, that this software provides. I will be
demonstrating that in this presentation.
I will argue that a clear-eyed understanding of the coding
and cataloguing methodology suggests ways of extending the
very concept of coding to literally another dimension
beyond the present logic of categories and nodes. The
future beckons….
Author: Lyn
Director, Research Services,
QSR International.
TITLE: Validity and Reliability? Yes! Doing it in Software.
Qualitative research is in
danger of throwing out the crucial standards of validity
and reliability with the now very murky bathwater of the
debate over truth and reality. Enthralled by the important
debates over reflexivity and relativism, researchers too
often feel unable to claim ‘good authority’ for
anything. The long tradition of negativism about
‘positivism’ undermines our ability to teach
competent ways of handling data or arriving at robust
outcomes from doing so. And the failure to teach such
competencies means that practically, even if they saw it as
appropriate, qualitative researchers are prevented from
attempting to produce valid and reliable outcomes.
this keynote I argue for the common language meanings of
‘valid’ and ‘reliable’, and for
these as standards to set for our research, without
distortion by misplaced stereotyping of scientific method.
I examine in turn the pragmatic requirements for claiming
validity and reliability, the many standards and techniques
used, practical problems with what I term “Hollywood
validity” and “Inside-Dopester validity”
and with the “reliability-checking” techniques
currently in demand. I look at the ways software assists
accurate scoping of data, interrogation of emerging themes,
assessment of saturation and keeping of log trails and how
to use software to make reliability measures (coding
reliability, ‘Triangulation’ and ‘Member
checking’) reliable and (!) valid, and how software
supports such claims and assists in addressing the
that, with software support, such claims are now
accessible, I ask why researchers retreat from making them.
Why are quantifiable reliability measures prioritized over
the validity goals of sound arguments based in good
handling of evidence? And what can be done about it?
Donna L. Richter and Louis Clary
School of Public Health, University of South Carolina
TITLE: Using
NVivo in the Analysis of Data from a Site Visit Program
Qualitative research has become
a primary means of research in the evaluation process
associated with the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention /Association of Schools of Public Health
sponsored Institute for HIV Prevention Leadership.
Qualitative data is collected through site visits to
selected community based organizations (CBOs), where
participants in the Institute (scholars), as well as
members of their respective CBOs and collaborating
organizations, are interviewed using a discussion guide.
Individual and focus group discussions are used.
transcription, the data is imported into NVivo. Coding
teams of two to three researchers code the data. After
coding, they meet to arrive at consensus about the data. A
initial codebook is developed based on the discussion
guide, and is refined as themes emerge during the actual
coding of the data. From the NVivo-produced node reports,
trends are reviewed and analyzed. Boolean, text, and
proximity searches are conducted to test initial findings
and reveal additional findings. Attributes are utilized to
differentiate types of interview participants (scholar,
scholar’s peer, scholar’s supervisor,
scholar’s staff) so that differences in perspectives
can be analyzed and quotes appropriately attributed in
final reports.
Marya L. O. Shegog, MPH, CHES1:
Jaquie Fraser PhD2:
Donna L. Richter, EdD, FAAHB1
(1) Arnold
School of Public Health, University of South Carolina,
Columbia, SC (2) Armstrong Atlantic University, Savannah,
Georgia Title: Using
NVIVO for a mixed method analysis: Lessons learned
Combining qualitative and
quantitative data analysis techniques can provide a more
comprehensive picture of data collected. This process is
often done separately, utilizing two different analysis
packages. By utilizing the attribute function in QSR NVIVO
or formatting the data utilizing templates and headers,
qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques can be
combined to expedite the research process.
Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) developed by the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention provides a quantitative
measure of the health risk behaviors of high schools
students in the United States. The administrators of this
survey in Savannah, Georgia, added open-ended questions to
seek greater qualitative information on the perceptions of
youth in the Savannah area regarding smoking. The resulting
data included quantitative data and qualitative information
on the participant’s perceptions on smoking and its
impact on social status in the high school setting.
the data was coded for both the quantitative identifiers
and the qualitative input from each of the respondents. The
process of coding over 900 individual documents for
dichotomous questions and demographic information was very
time intensive. In attempt to better facilitate the
project, the researchers modified the coding process by
conducting searches to code all dichotomous questions and
demographic information. Although the searches did reduce
the time spent on each document, further research and
training in QSR NVivo highlighted more efficient methods
like creating document templates, assigning attributes and
importing SPSS files that would streamline the analysis
process and maximize the utilization of the software.
Author: Dr
Chih Hoong Sin
Research and Consultancy, London
Evaluation can be broadly
characterised by formative and summative approaches. In
terms of policy evaluation, the latter have greater appeal
in terms of the promise of providing answers to the
question of ‘does it work?’. In the UK context,
this has been spurred by the ‘Modernising
Government’ agenda and by the introduction of
Comprehensive Spending Reviews by the Treasury since 1998
that requires government departments to produce evidence on
both the effectiveness of existing programmes, and the
likely effectiveness of proposed new programmes, in order
to gain funding. Unlike formative evaluations, however,
summative evaluations tend to utilise more quantitative
methods. However, there is a growing realisation amongst
policy-makers in the UK that the establishment of causality
using quantitative approaches alone is inadequate. Coupled
with a parallel policy development of recognising the
importance of localities, this has encouraged the use of
more qualitative approaches in not just answering the
question of ‘does it works?’ but also
‘where and why does it work?’. The use of
Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software
(CAQDAS) in evaluations thus has to be situated within such
contexts. Its use is reliant on (1) the position of
qualitative methods and data in relation to other
evaluation components, (2) the types of qualitative data
that tend to be collected for evaluative purposes, (3) the
scale of data collection, (4) the size of the evaluation
team, (5) the types of outputs required from the
qualitative component of evaluations particularly in
relation to a policy audience, and (6) the time allowed for
qualitative analysis. In these various ways, the use of
CAQDAS for evaluative research may differ significantly
from its use on more conventional forms of qualitative
research projects. This paper explores the use of NUD*ist
version 6 (N6) to manage data from the qualitative
component of a large-scale evaluation, raising issues for
Smith, Lillian U; Richter, Donna, L; Watkins, Kenneth; and
Usdan, Stuart and Miner, Kathleen
School of Public Health, University of South Carolina and
Rollins School of Public Health, Emory University
Title: Using
NVivo to Trace Diffusion of Distance Education in Schools
of Public Health
order to explore “why” and “how”
the innovation of distance education was successfully
diffused in schools of public health, qualitative research
was utilized through a mixed methods approach. The
researcher traced the diffusion process by utilizing a
qualitative, multiple-case study methodology using a
semi-structured interview to collect the perceptions from
five schools of public health and a monitor survey (an
internet windshield survey) of each program’s website
to assess the presence of program components and
corroborate those identified in the interviews.
All data was
collected, stored, and analyzed in an NVivo project file,
with the monitor survey data stored as attributes and
interviews as text files. By using NVivo, the researcher
was able to explore the data within the context of each
question as well as through pulling out content themes. The
content themes were organized into tree nodes with parent
nodes for the major theme and child nodes for the
sub-themes. As new ideas emerged from the data or as
connections or meaning became clearer, the nodes were
reorganized and renamed using the node browser. The
system’s robustness and flexibility allowed the
researcher to freely code passages in new or collapsed
nodes, as well as enabling a seamless switch from question
to content analysis.
Author: Chris Thorn
Wisconsin Center for Education
TITLE: Nvivo
as a teaching environment:eating your own cooking
I am
preparing an advanced course on applied qualitative methods
for the Educational Psychology Department in School of
Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. I plan to
teach the course from within NVivo as I present alternate
forms of analysis and operationalization of methods from
both a scholarly (literature-based) and applied (multiple
forms of primary data) evidence base. I will be using the
modeler to describe process in the course and to show the
links between method, data generation/collection, and
analysis. It is also my plan to use NVivo to incorporate
student work into my course as part of an iterative model
of improvement in which we learn from each other about how
to work with data and build arguments.
Fiona Wiltshier,
International and Monash University, Melbourne
Working in tandem: NVivo and EndNote, paper and PC
Working in software from the
proposal stage provides a strong start to the whole
research process. The focus of my own doctorate proposal
changed twice, once by choice, and once more because I
found a reference to research covering the same topics and
issues as those I’d proposed. I used NVivo and
EndNote together to support this process of exploration.
Some of the
literature reviewed in the earlier stages was easily
incorporated into later proposals. Concepts such as sense
of self, identity, the body and the search for meaning
through phenomenology remained constant and were streams
that flowed through each. The context however, moved.
Initially the focus was on women who choose to become
mothers at a later stage in life; now however the research
focuses on women who participate in more
‘masculine’ type sports such as bodybuilding,
and how they see themselves as sexual beings.
process of combining NVivo and EndNote allowed fast and
easy access to both the data found and the thoughts thus
provoked. Demonstration of the resultant proposal project
shows how the tools of both were combined to work with the
data to the best advantage.
The other
aspect of process that this paper will cover is the ability
to use both programs in conjunction with paper based
methods. Using software does not preclude the use of paper
but rather enhances it. Referencing both paper based and
online articles was made easy through proxy documents, and
databites were used to link directly to online articles and
other data such as photographs. A strong base was thus
created to support the proposal process as the contexts
The data
generated through the proposals now forms the start of the
research project itself.